Overall visual proved elegent, the use of white throughout the publication created a sleek outcome, Its subtle deboss brings a hidden message through its slight imprint, Creating a pleasent texture for the stock also has an debossed finish to it. The alastic band became useful in keeping strength to the publication as well as a seal for the stock used became packed.
Within the publication white space becomes an obvious tool, having as little infomation within the booklet I believe makes the eye feel much more relaxed when engaging in it so by stripping it back allowed a more comfortable read, So the main focus was on the typography within the image. Apart from that it also creates clean ashethic look.
Switching up the look within the publication, I decided to use grey as a mid tone of White & Black for my theme was strictly that. Placing grey shape every 3rd page to prevent the booklet from becoming obvious. From development the typography was all bebas neue but creating a concept through the use of the brands typography