Tuesday, 5 May 2015

OUGD406 - Evaluation

This module has allowed me to engage with my group abilities and other skills such as time management, organisation and how to deal with the teams input. This module was rather difficult as we had a lot of other modules beside it, but between us all we made sure it wasn’t so difficult by taking certain job roles. I enjoyed the module overall as the live brief was an opportunity to get your work out there. Print screening is always exciting so I’m glad I had the chance to gather a full understanding of the print screening process before the end of the year. A lot of my peers were slightly confused when coming to print screening and a lot of them seen that mine was successful and because I was keen to get back into printing I assisted my peers when the tutors weren’t available. Although I started my reflective practice brief late due to poor time management with other briefs I was still able to complete it to a good standard. I have noticed massively that because my attendance has improved so has my work, mainly because stress hasn’t interfered as much but being able to enjoy the module.

OUGD406 - Speaking From Experience - Layout

OUGD406 - Speaking From Experience - Research